About Us


 Katja Wills


    I moved to British Columbia in 2004, from Kamnik Slovenia, a little town by the Alps bordering Austria, Italy and Croatia.

     With 15 yrs as an organic farmer, with my husband and our two boys we enjoy living in the Similkameen Valley, surrounded by orchards and nature. Throughout our community the bees play such an essential role in pollinating our crops, producing honey and giving us pure beeswax. I love the creativity of making beautiful, natural beeswax candles and salves.

Bella Svecha candles are formed to bring a piece of nature to your home.

In celebration of the bees.

Thank you for your support.


Katja Wills

Bella Svecha Naturals


Four Winds Farm


Katja has enthusiastically taken up the production of this traditional herbal formula, formulated in 1988 by Doe Gregorie, a chartered herbalist in Similkameen Valley of British Columbia Southern Interior.
The valley has a mild climate with hot summers, perfect for growing herbs.
Most of the herbs are gathered and air dried for optimum freshness and effectiveness.
Medicinal herbs used in creating this salve are healing to bruises, scars and bites. By blending carefully only small batches at a time, maximum quality is assured.

I'm happy to share this wonderful, healing herb blend with you.

Comfrey Plus Salve formula was developed as a general first-aid salve. The herbs selected are the best to my knowledge for aiding the skin's healing ability. Comfrey(Symphytum officinalis) is also known as knit-bone and has the active ingredient allantoin.
Chickweed (Stellaria media), also known as stichwort, is an emollient and refrigerant.
Plantain (Plantago major) is an antiseptic astringent. Calendula (Calendula officinalis), also known as pot marigold, is vulnerary.
Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis) and Myrrh gum powder (Commiphora myrrh) both have antiseptic qualities. This special blend of ingredients is in a base of olive oil with locally produced beeswax.